Cement CEM I (en)
Table of Contents: Process information - Modelling and validation - Administrative information - Inputs and Outputs
Process information
Key Data Set Information
LocationLocation, country or region the data set represents. [Note 1: This field does not refer to e.g. the country in which a specific site is located that is represented by this data set but to the actually represented country, region, or site. Note 2: Entry can be of type "two-letter ISO 3166 country code" for countries, "seven-letter regional codes" for regions or continents, or "market areas and market organisations", as predefined for the ILCD. Also a name for e.g. a specific plant etc. can be given here (e.g. "FR, Lyon, XY Company, Z Site"; user defined). Note 3: The fact whether the entry refers to production or to consumption / supply has to be stated in the name-field "Mix and location types" e.g. as "Production mix".] DE
Geographical representativeness descriptionFurther explanations about additional aspects of the location: e.g. a company and/or site description and address, whether for certain sub-areas within the "Location" the data set is not valid, whether data is only valid for certain regions within the location indicated, or whether certain elementary flows or intermediate product flows are extrapolated from another geographical area. The data set represents the country / region specific situation, focusing on the main technologies, the region specific characteristics and / or import statistics.
Reference yearStart year of the time period for which the data set is valid (until year of "Data set valid until:"). For data sets that combine data from different years, the most representative year is given regarding the overall environmental impact. In that case, the reference year is derived by expert judgement. 2004
NameGeneral descriptive and specifying name of the process.
Base nameGeneral descriptive name of the process and/or its main good(s) or service(s) and/or it's level of processing.; Treatment, standards, routesSpecifying information on the good, service, or process in technical term(s): treatment received, standard fulfilled, product quality, use information, production route name, educt name, primary / secondary etc. Separated by commata.; Mix and location typesSpecifying information on the good, service, or process whether being a production mix or consumption mix, location type of availability (such as e.g. "to consumer" or "at plant"). Separated by commata.
Cement CEM I
Use advice for data setSpecific methodological advice for data set users that requires attention. E.g. on inclusion/exclusion of recycling e.g. in material data sets, specific use phase behavior to be modelled, and other methodological advices. See also field "Technological applicability". The data set represents a cradle to gate inventory. It can be used to characterise the supply chain situation of the respective commodity in a representative manner. Combination with individual unit processes using this commodity enables the generation of user-specific (product) LCAs.
Technical purpose of product or processDescription of the intended / possible applications of the good, service, or process. E.g. for which type of products the material, represented by this data set, is used. Examples: "This high purity chemical is used for analytical laboratories only." or "This technical quality bulk chemical is used for large scale synthesis in chemical industry.". Or: "This truck is used only for long-distance transport of liquid bulk chemicals". Provision of a standard technical product according to the applied technology.
ClassificationOptional statistical or other classification of the data set. Typically also used for structuring LCA databases.
Class nameName of the class. / Hierarchy levelHierarchy level (1,2,...), if the categorization system is hierachical, otherwise emtpy or not used.
Systems / Building and transport infrastructure
General comment on data setGeneral information about the data set, including e.g. general (internal, not reviewed) quality statements as well as information sources used. (Note: Please also check the more specific fields e.g. on "Intended application", "Advice on data set use" and the fields in the "Modelling and validation" section to avoid overlapping entries.) The data set covers all relevant process steps / technologies over the supply chain of the represented cradle to gate inventory with a good overall data quality. The inventory is mainly based on industry data and is completed, where necessary, by secondary data.
Copyright?Indicates whether or not a copyright on the data set exists. Decided upon by the "Owner of data set". [Note: See also field "Access and use restrictions".] Yes
Owner of data set (contact data set)"Contact data set" of the person or entity who owns this data set. (Note: this is not necessarily the publisher of the data set.) PE International
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)One or more of the Inputs or Outputs in case "Type of quantitative reference" is of type "Reference flow(s)". (Data set internal reference.) Cement (average) - 1000.0 kg (Mass)
Time representativeness
Data set valid until:End year of the time period for which the data set is still valid / sufficiently representative. This date also determines when a data set revision / remodelling is required or recommended due to expected relevant changes in environmentally or technically relevant inventory values, including in the background system.
Time representativeness descriptionDescription of the valid time span of the data set including information on limited usability within sub-time spans (e.g. summer/winter). Annual average
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background systemDescription of the technological characteristics including operating conditions of the process or product system. For the latter this includes the relevant upstream and downstream processes included in the data set. Professional terminology should be used. The main processes in cement production consist of raw material extraction, production of clinker, and cement grinding. The extraction of the main raw material from the quarry normally takes place in the immediate area of the cement works.  Cement is a hydraulic bonding agent on base of fine grounded mineral substances, which are mixed with water to a cement paste. The mixture congeals under hydration and stays hard and volume stable. It is used as binder in concrete and mortar. European standard DIN EN 197-1 defines several main sorts of cement (CEM I – IV), which differ in composition with influence on rapid hardening, stiffness and workability. CEM I is a pure Portland cement with near 100% ratio of cement clinker and up to 5% gypsum as solidification agent. Cement clinker is made by sintering a mixture of grounded limestone and clay in a rotary furnace with temperatures round 1.450°C degrees. For this energy claiming process derived fuels (used tyres, packaging residues, waste oil, bone meal) are often used - beside lignite, petroleum coke and fuel oil. Derived fuels are subdivided into renewable and non renewable energy carriers. The CO2-incorporation in organic derived fuels is considered. Relating to the energy content the ratio of derived fuels is about 42 % (with upward trend). CEM I as cement with the highest market share (58 % in 2004) offers a wide usability. The background system is addressed as follows: Electricity, Thermal energy: The electricity (and thermal energy as by-product) used is modelled according to the individual country-specific situation. The country-specific modelling is achieved on multiple levels. Firstly the individual power plants in service are modelled according to the current national grid. This includes net losses and imported electricity. Second, the national emission and efficiency standards of the power plants are modelled. Third, the country-specific fuel supply (share of resources used, by import and / or domestic supply) including the country-specific properties (e.g. element and energy contents) are accounted for. Fourth, the import, transport, mining and exploration processes for the energy carrier supply chain are modelled according to the specific situation of each power-producing country. The different mining and exploration techniques (emissions and efficiencies) in the different exploration countries are accounted for according to current engineering knowledge and information. Steam: The steam supply is modelled according to the individual country-specific situation with regard to the technology efficiencies and energy carriers used. Efficiencies range from 84% to 94% in relation to the representative energy carrier (gas, oil, coal). Coal, crude oil and natural gas used for the generation of steam are modelled according to the specific import situation (see electricity). Transports: All relevant and known transport processes used are included. Overseas transport including rail and truck transport to and from major ports for imported bulk resources are included. Furthermore all relevant and known pipeline and / or tanker transport of gases and oil imports are included. Energy carriers: Coal, crude oil, natural gas and uranium are modelled according to the specific import situation (see electricity). Refinery products: Diesel, gasoline, technical gases, fuel oils, basic oils and residues such as bitumen are modelled via a country-specific, refinery parameterized model. The refinery model represents the current national standard in refinery techniques (e.g. emission level, internal energy consumption,...) as well as the individual country-specific product output spectrum, which can be quite different from country to country. Hence the refinery products used show the individual country-specific use of resources. The supply of crude oil is modelled, again, according to the country-specific crude oil situation with the respective properties of the resources.
Flow diagramm(s) or picture(s) (source data set)"Source data set" of the flow diagramm(s) and/or photo(s) of the good, service, technology, plant etc represented by this data set. For clearer illustration and documentation of data set. ../sources/Construction_Cement_24228f5f-0a2e-40d9-ba35-2fcd953f73ec.xml
Modelling and validation
LCI method and allocation
Type of data setType of the data set regarding systematic inclusion/exclusion of upstream or downstream processes, transparency and internal (hidden) multi-functionality, and the completeness of modelling. LCI result
LCI method principleLCI method principle followed in the product system modelling, i.e. regarding using average data (= attributional = non-marginal) or modelling effects in a change-oriented way (= consequential = marginal). Attributional
LCI method approachesNames briefly the specific approach(es) used in LCI modeling, e.g. allocation, substitution etc. In case of LCI results and Partly terminated system data sets this also covers those applied in the included background system. Allocation - net calorific value Allocation - market value Allocation - exergetic content
Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanationsDescription of relevant deviations from the applied approaches as well as of the relevant specific approaches that were applied, including in an possibly included background system. Further explanations and details of the allocation, substitution and other consequential approaches applied for relevant processes, e.g. how the marginal substitute was identified, year and region of which market prices were used in market allocation, i.e. method, procedure, data/information details. In case of no (result relevant) deviations from the before stated LCI method approaches, and in case of no need for further explanations, "none" is entered. None
Data sources, treatment, and representativeness
Data cut-off and completeness principlesPrinciples applied in data collection regarding completeness of (also intermediate) product and waste flows and of elementary flows. Examples are: cut-off rules, systematic exclusion of infrastructure, services or auxiliaries, etc. systematic exclusion of air in incineration processes, coling water, etc. Cut-off rules for each unit process: Coverage of at least 95 % of mass and energy of the input and output flows, and 98 % of their environmental relevance (according to expert judgement). For further details please see the document "GaBi Databases Modelling Principles"
Deviation from data selection and combination principles / explanationsShort description of any deviations from the "Data selection and combination principles". In case of no (result relevant) deviations, "none" is entered. None
Deviation from data treatment and extrapolations principles / explanationsShort description of any deviations from the " Data treatment and extrapolations principles". In case of no (result relevant) deviations, "none" is entered. (Note: If data representative for one "Location" is used for another "Location", its original representativity can be indicated here; see field "Percentage supply or production covered".) None
Data source(s) used for this data set (source data set)"Source data set"(s) of the source(s) used for deriving/compiling the inventory of this data set e.g. questionnaires, monographies, plant operation protocols, etc. For LCI results and Partly terminated systems the sources for relevant background system data are to be given, too. For parameterised data sets the sources used for the parameterisation / mathematical relations in the section "Mathematical model" are referenced here as well. [Note: If the data set stems from another database or data set publication and is only re-published: identify the origin of a converted data set in "Converted original data set from:" field in section "Data entry by" and its unchanged re-publication in "Unchanged re-publication of:" in the section "Publication and ownership". The data sources used to model a converted or re-published data set are nevertheless to be given here in this field, for transparency reasons.] VDZ Umweltdaten 2004
Completeness product modelCompleteness of coverage of relevant product, waste and elementary flows. [Notes: For LCI results and Partly terminated systems this means throughout the underlying product system model. "Relevant" refers to the overall environmental relevance, i.e. for unit processes including the upstream and downstream burdens of product and waste flows.] No statement
ReviewReview information on data set. Dependent internal reviewReviewer(s)/verifier(s) have been involved in collecting, modelling, or entering the data set information or inventory, have commissioned or financed the work, or represent the process or product system (or quantiatitively relevant parts of it).
Scope of reviewScope of review regarding which aspects and components of the data set was reviewed or verified. In case of aggregated e.g. LCI results also and on which level of detail (e.g. LCI results only, included unit processes, ...) the review / verification was performed. Method(s) of reviewValidation method(s) used in the respective "Scope of review".
Raw dataReview/verification is done on basis of the original "raw data", i.e. the data before it was scaled, converted, or treated in other ways to be used for modelling of a unit process. Expert judgementComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Sample tests on calculationsComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Cross-check with other data setComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Cross-check with other sourceComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Validation of data sourcesComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
LCIA results calculationReview/verification is done on basis of the original "raw data", i.e. the data before it was scaled, converted, or treated in other ways to be used for modelling of a unit process. Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044Comparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Unit process(es), black boxReview/verification is done on basis of the original "raw data", i.e. the data before it was scaled, converted, or treated in other ways to be used for modelling of a unit process. Sample tests on calculationsComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Cross-check with other data setComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044Comparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Cross-check with other sourceComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Expert judgementComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Element balanceComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Mass balanceComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Validation of data sourcesComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Energy balanceComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
LCI results or Partly terminated systemReview/verification is done on basis of the original "raw data", i.e. the data before it was scaled, converted, or treated in other ways to be used for modelling of a unit process. Sample tests on calculationsComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Cross-check with other data setComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044Comparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Cross-check with other sourceComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Expert judgementComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Element balanceComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Mass balanceComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Validation of data sourcesComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Energy balanceComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
LCIA resultsReview/verification is done on basis of the original "raw data", i.e. the data before it was scaled, converted, or treated in other ways to be used for modelling of a unit process. Expert judgementComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Cross-check with other data setComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044Comparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Cross-check with other sourceComparison with other, independent data and/or information sources (can be both database and literature).
Review detailsSummary of the review. All the following items should be explicitly addressed: Representativeness, completeness, and precision of Inputs and Outputs for the process in its documented location, technology and time i.e. both completeness of technical model (product, waste, and elementary flows) and completeness of coverage of the relevant problem fields (environmental, human health, resource use) for this specific good, service, or process. Plausibility of data. Correctness and appropriateness of the data set documentation. Appropriateness of system boundaries, cut-off rules, LCI modelling choices such as e.g. allocation, consistency of included processes and of LCI methodology. If the data set comprises pre-calculated LCIA results, the correspondence of the Input and Output elementary flows (including their geographical validity) with the applied LCIA method(s) should be addressed by the reviewer. An overall quality statement on the data set may be included here. LCI Method: The LCI method applied is in Compliance with ISO 14040 to 14044. The documentation includes all relevant information in view of the data quality and scope of the application of the respective LCI result / data set. The dataset represents the state-of-the-art in view of the referenced functional unit.
Reviewer name and institution (contact data set)"Contact data set" of reviewer. The full name of reviewer(s) and institution(s) as well as a contact address and/or email should be provided in that contact data set. PE International
Compliance declarations
Complianceone compliance declaration
Compliance system name (source data set)"Source data set" of the "Compliance system" that is declared to be met by the data set.
ILCD compliance
Approval of overall complianceOfficial approval whether or not and in how far the data set meets all the requirements of the "Compliance system" refered to. This approval should be issued/confirmed by the owner of that compliance system, who is identified via the respective "Contact data set".
Not compliantMeets all requirements of this compliance aspect as defined in the respective "Compliance system".
Nomenclature complianceNomenclature complianceNomenclature compliance of this data set with the respective requirements set by the "compliance system" refered to.Nomenclature compliance of this data set with the respective requirements set by the "compliance system" refered to.
Not compliantMeets all requirements of this compliance aspect as defined in the respective "Compliance system".
Methodological complianceMethodological complianceMethodological compliance of this data set with the respective requirements set by the "compliance system" refered to.Methodological compliance of this data set with the respective requirements set by the "compliance system" refered to.
Not compliantMeets all requirements of this compliance aspect as defined in the respective "Compliance system".
Review complianceReview complianceReview/Verification compliance of this data set with the respective requirements set by the "compliance system" refered to.Review/Verification compliance of this data set with the respective requirements set by the "compliance system" refered to.
Not compliantMeets all requirements of this compliance aspect as defined in the respective "Compliance system".
Documentation complianceDocumentation complianceDocumentation/Reporting compliance of this data set with the respective requirements set by the "compliance system" refered to.Documentation/Reporting compliance of this data set with the respective requirements set by the "compliance system" refered to.
Meets all requirements of this compliance aspect as defined in the respective "Compliance system".
Administrative information
Commissioner and goal
Commissioner of data set (contact data set)"Contact data set" of the commissioner / financing party of the data collection / compilation and of the data set modelling. For groups of commissioners, each single organisation should be named. For data set updates and for direct use of data from formerly commissioned studies, also the original commissioner should be named. German Network on Life Cycle Inventory Data
Data set generator / modeller
Data set generator / modellerData set generator / modeller (contact data set)"Contact data set" of the person(s), working group(s), organisation(s) or database network, that generated the data set, i.e. being responsible for its correctness regarding methods, inventory, and documentative information."Contact data set" of the person(s), working group(s), organisation(s) or database network, that generated the data set, i.e. being responsible for its correctness regarding methods, inventory, and documentative information. PE International
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved)Date and time stamp of data set generation, typically an automated entry ("last saved"). 2007-11-29T11:48:15.194+01:00
Data set format(s) (source data set)"Source data set" of the used version of the ILCD format. If additional data format fields have been integrated into the data set file, using the "namespace" option, the used format namespace(s) are to be given. This is the case if the data sets carries additional information as specified by other, particular LCA formats, e.g. of other database networks or LCA softwares. ILCD format
Converted original data set from: (source data set)"Source data set" of the database or data set publication from which this data set has been obtained by conversion. This can cover e.g. conversion to a different format, applying a different nomenclature, mapping of flow names, conversion of units, etc. This may however not have changed or re-modeled the Inputs and Outputs, i.e. obtaining the same LCIA results. This entry is required for converted data sets stemming originally from other LCA databases (e.g. when re-publishing data from IISI, ILCD etc. databases). [Note: Identically re-published data sets are identied in the field "Unchanged re-publication of:" in the section "Publication and Ownership".] GaBi databases 2006
Publication and ownership
UUID of Process data setAutomatically generated Universally Unique Identifier of this data set. Together with the "Data set version", the UUID uniquely identifies each data set. f314030e-69ac-4d54-acba-4dce0e3d7823
Data set versionVersion number of data set. First two digits refer to major updates, the second two digits to minor revisions and error corrections etc. The third three digits are intended for automatic and internal counting of versions during data set development. Together with the data set's UUID, the "Data set version" uniquely identifies each data set. 06.01.000
Permanent data set URIURI (i.e. an internet address) of the original of this data set. [Note: This equally globally unique identifier supports users and software tools to identify and retrieve the original version of a data set via the internet or to check for available updates. The URI must not represent an existing WWW address, but it should be unique and point to the data access point, e.g. by combining the data owner's www path with the data set's UUID, e.g. http://www.mycompany.com/lca/processes/50f12420-8855-12db-b606-0900210c9a66.] http://www.netzwerk-lebenszyklusdaten.de/LCData/Cement_CEM_I_DE__processes__f314030e-69ac-4d54-acba-4dce0e3d7823__01.00.001.xml
Workflow and publication statusWorkflow or publication status of data set. Details e.g. of foreseen publication dates should be provided on request by the "Data set owner". Data set finalised; entirely published
Unchanged re-publication of: (source data set)"Source data set" of the publication, in which this data set was published for the first time. [Note: This refers to exactly this data set as it is, without any format conversion, adjustments, flow name mapping, etc. In case this data set was modified/converted, the original source is documented in "Converted original data set from:" in section "Data entry by".] LC Data
Owner of data set (contact data set)"Contact data set" of the person or entity who owns this data set. (Note: this is not necessarily the publisher of the data set.) PE International
Access and use restrictionsAccess restrictions / use conditions for this data set as free text or referring to e.g. license conditions. In case of no restrictions "None" is entered. GaBi (source code, database including extension modules and single data sets, documentation) remains property of PE International GmbH. PE International GmbH delivers GaBi licenses comprising data storage medium and manual as ordered by the customer. The license guarantees the right of use for one installation of GaBi. Further installations using the same license are not permitted. Additional licenses are only valid if the licensee holds at least one main license. Licenses are not transferable and must only be used within the licensee's organisation. Data sets may be copied for internal use only. The number of copies is restricted to the number of licenses of the software system GaBi the licensee owns. Data sets may not be published without written permission of PE International GmbH. Similarly, transferring data sets for any purpose is not allowed without written permission. The transfer of single data sets as well as their distribution or disposition is only allowed with the previous written permission of PE International GmbH. The right of use is exclusively valid for the licensee. All rights reserved. Users may not publish individual data sets. Only aggregated or calculated results produced using GaBi data may be published. In any published materials, GaBi 4 must be acknowledged when its data or software has been used, e.g.: “GaBi Databases 2006”
Inputs and Outputs
Type Of FlowNames the basic type of the flow. Classification Flow"Flow data set" of this Input or Output. VariableData set internal reference to a variable or parameter name as defined in the section "Mathematical model". The value of this variable or parameter acts as linear multiplier to the value given in the field "Mean amount" to yield the "Resulting amount", which is the final value in the inventory. Resulting amountFinal value to be used for calculation of the LCI results and in the product system: It is calculated as the product of the "Mean amount" value times the value of the "Variable". In case that no "Variable" entry is given, the "Resulting amount" is identical to the "Mean amount", i.e. a factor "1" is applied. Mean amountMean amount of the Input or Output. Only significant digits of the amount should be stated. Data source typeIdentifies the data source type of each single Input or Output as being "Primary", "Secondary", or "Mixed primary/secondary". Data derivation type / statusIdentifies the way by which the individual Input / Output amount was derived (e.g. measured, estimated etc.), respectively the status and relevancy of missing data.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Copper ore (sulphidic) 4.5656E-7 kg (Mass) 4.5656E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Lead 1.17654E-15 kg (Mass) 1.17654E-15 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Iron 0.00353787 kg (Mass) 0.00353787 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Bauxite 3.47632 kg (Mass) 3.47632 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Renewable material resources Water (feed water) 0.00880586 kg (Mass) 0.00880586 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Chromium (ore) 4.56611E-4 kg (Mass) 4.56611E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Manganese (ore) 8.79702E-5 kg (Mass) 8.79702E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Nickel (ore) 7.09547E-7 kg (Mass) 7.09547E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Phosphorus minerals 6.29573E-4 kg (Mass) 6.29573E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Zinc - copper ore (4.07%-2.59%) 0.00264365 kg (Mass) 0.00264365 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Renewable material resources Water 4.62251 kg (Mass) 4.62251 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Renewable material resources Water (ground water) 1069.83 kg (Mass) 1069.83 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Renewable material resources Water (with river silt) 6.13122E-11 kg (Mass) 6.13122E-11 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Renewable element resources Air 477.383 kg (Mass) 477.383 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Barium sulphate 1.20596E-13 kg (Mass) 1.20596E-13 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Sulphur (bonded) 2.23998E-8 kg (Mass) 2.23998E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Sulphur 4.53987E-8 kg (Mass) 4.53987E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Steel scrap (St) 0.0150556 kg (Mass) 0.0150556 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Iron (ore) 0.210613 kg (Mass) 0.210613 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Renewable element resources Carbon dioxide 28.237 kg (Mass) 28.237 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Zinc - lead ore (4.21%-4.96%) 1.31407E-10 kg (Mass) 1.31407E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Copper ore (4%) 3.84834E-10 kg (Mass) 3.84834E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Potassium chloride 2.51107E-4 kg (Mass) 2.51107E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Phosphate ore 3.27826E-7 kg (Mass) 3.27826E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Renewable material resources Water (sea water) 0.15761 kg (Mass) 0.15761 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Heavy spar (barytes) 0.0589669 kg (Mass) 0.0589669 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Tin (ore) 1.04582E-14 kg (Mass) 1.04582E-14 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Zinc - lead - copper ore (12%-3%-2%) 0.00114915 kg (Mass) 0.00114915 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Lead - zinc ore (4.6%-0.6%) 0.00632387 kg (Mass) 0.00632387 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Copper ore (0.14%) 0.0191605 kg (Mass) 0.0191605 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Nickel ore (1.6%) 0.0070524 kg (Mass) 0.0070524 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Iron ore (65%) 8.17012 kg (Mass) 8.17012 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Manganese ore (R.O.M.) 0.00192807 kg (Mass) 0.00192807 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Zinc ore (sulphide) 2.49223E-10 kg (Mass) 2.49223E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Copper ore (1.2%) 3.14081E-5 kg (Mass) 3.14081E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Renewable material resources Water (surface water) 984.737 kg (Mass) 984.737 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Calcium chloride 1.23511E-11 kg (Mass) 1.23511E-11 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Saudi Arabia 0.374296 kg (Mass) 0.374296 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite India 5.62495E-7 kg (Mass) 5.62495E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite Greece 0.00871238 kg (Mass) 0.00871238 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite Spain 0.00208322 kg (Mass) 0.00208322 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite USA 0.0131737 kg (Mass) 0.0131737 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite Australia 0.0362103 kg (Mass) 0.0362103 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Magnesit (Magnesium carbonate) 2.39411E-4 kg (Mass) 2.39411E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Colemanite ore 2.39635E-4 kg (Mass) 2.39635E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Dolomite 4.93483E-6 kg (Mass) 4.93483E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Fluorspar (calcium fluoride; fluorite) 2.09619E-5 kg (Mass) 2.09619E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Gypsum (natural gypsum) 30.0026 kg (Mass) 30.0026 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Limestone (calcium carbonate) 1628.33 kg (Mass) 1628.33 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable material resources Kaolin ore 1.641E-4 kg (Mass) 1.641E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable material resources Slate 1.0883E-14 kg (Mass) 1.0883E-14 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Sodium chloride (rock salt) 0.0578825 kg (Mass) 0.0578825 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable material resources Talc 1.0065E-4 kg (Mass) 1.0065E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable material resources Inert rock 2006.91 kg (Mass) 2006.91 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable material resources Clay 46.938 kg (Mass) 46.938 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Ferro manganese 5.88271E-16 kg (Mass) 5.88271E-16 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil South Africa 4.97792E-6 kg (Mass) 4.97792E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Spain 2.52791E-4 kg (Mass) 2.52791E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable material resources Olivine 6.47098E-15 kg (Mass) 6.47098E-15 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas China 4.7012E-5 kg (Mass) 4.7012E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable material resources Bentonite 2.19015 kg (Mass) 2.19015 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable material resources Natural Aggregate 56.3046 kg (Mass) 56.3046 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable material resources Quartz sand 0.095343 kg (Mass) 0.095343 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite Germany (Lausitz) 51.374 kg (Mass) 51.374 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal Australia 2.2937 kg (Mass) 2.2937 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal Germany 14.8782 kg (Mass) 14.8782 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite Germany (Central Germany) 17.3985 kg (Mass) 17.3985 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal Canada 0.793991 kg (Mass) 0.793991 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal China 0.305795 kg (Mass) 0.305795 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal Colombia 1.88484 kg (Mass) 1.88484 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal Italy 8.43147E-6 kg (Mass) 8.43147E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal Czech Republic 0.642915 kg (Mass) 0.642915 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal Indonesia 0.25716 kg (Mass) 0.25716 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal Poland 4.69814 kg (Mass) 4.69814 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal USA 0.405371 kg (Mass) 0.405371 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal Venezuela 0.0464447 kg (Mass) 0.0464447 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal South Africa 4.60286 kg (Mass) 4.60286 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Australia 0.0391003 kg (Mass) 0.0391003 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil New Zealand 0.00233878 kg (Mass) 0.00233878 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Angola 0.10862 kg (Mass) 0.10862 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Angola 0.0133932 kg (Mass) 0.0133932 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Cameroon 0.0144964 kg (Mass) 0.0144964 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Cameroon 0.00356911 kg (Mass) 0.00356911 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Nigeria 0.267596 kg (Mass) 0.267596 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Nigeria 0.0487506 kg (Mass) 0.0487506 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Egypt 0.00345425 kg (Mass) 0.00345425 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Egypt 3.4536E-4 kg (Mass) 3.4536E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Algeria 0.0563155 kg (Mass) 0.0563155 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Algeria 0.382326 kg (Mass) 0.382326 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Libya 0.789148 kg (Mass) 0.789148 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Libyan 0.0415985 kg (Mass) 0.0415985 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Iran 0.0329861 kg (Mass) 0.0329861 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Iran 0.00343043 kg (Mass) 0.00343043 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Kuwait 0.0275821 kg (Mass) 0.0275821 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Kuwait 0.00161112 kg (Mass) 0.00161112 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Oman 2.10096E-4 kg (Mass) 2.10096E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Oman 7.06448E-5 kg (Mass) 7.06448E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Qatar 0.00144027 kg (Mass) 0.00144027 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Qatar 2.90002E-4 kg (Mass) 2.90002E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Saudi Arabia 0.0200271 kg (Mass) 0.0200271 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil United Arab Emirates 0.00504537 kg (Mass) 0.00504537 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas United Arab Emirates 5.36019E-4 kg (Mass) 5.36019E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Brunei 2.18232E-8 kg (Mass) 2.18232E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Indonesia 0.0138633 kg (Mass) 0.0138633 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Malaysia 6.05918E-10 kg (Mass) 6.05918E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Colombia 8.44633E-4 kg (Mass) 8.44633E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Colombia 9.04197E-5 kg (Mass) 9.04197E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Mexico 0.011601 kg (Mass) 0.011601 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Mexico 0.00124414 kg (Mass) 0.00124414 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Venezuela 0.0842474 kg (Mass) 0.0842474 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Venezuela 0.00511566 kg (Mass) 0.00511566 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Canada 0.00594826 kg (Mass) 0.00594826 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Canada 0.00712233 kg (Mass) 0.00712233 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil USA 0.0107058 kg (Mass) 0.0107058 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas USA 0.0316931 kg (Mass) 0.0316931 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Germany 0.923367 kg (Mass) 0.923367 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Denmark 0.179795 kg (Mass) 0.179795 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Denmark 0.0956992 kg (Mass) 0.0956992 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Netherlands 0.0477242 kg (Mass) 0.0477242 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Netherlands 0.827941 kg (Mass) 0.827941 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Norway 2.03542 kg (Mass) 2.03542 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Norway 0.937787 kg (Mass) 0.937787 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil France 0.00131947 kg (Mass) 0.00131947 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas France 0.00149097 kg (Mass) 0.00149097 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Italy 0.0163945 kg (Mass) 0.0163945 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Italy 0.00277571 kg (Mass) 0.00277571 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal Mexico 2.60676E-6 kg (Mass) 2.60676E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal Vietnam 0.0856355 kg (Mass) 0.0856355 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Japan 1.06893E-10 kg (Mass) 1.06893E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal Spain 9.27738E-4 kg (Mass) 9.27738E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal France 0.00489704 kg (Mass) 0.00489704 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal Belgium 6.75776E-5 kg (Mass) 6.75776E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Renewable energy resources Primary energy from hydro power 31.2546 MJ (Net calorific value) 31.2546 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite Austria 8.5419E-5 kg (Mass) 8.5419E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas CIS 1.57581 kg (Mass) 1.57581 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil United Kingdom 1.15329 kg (Mass) 1.15329 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil CIS 3.46867 kg (Mass) 3.46867 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal United Kingdom 0.0770233 kg (Mass) 0.0770233 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Uranium 536.003 MJ (Net calorific value) 536.003 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas United Kingdom 0.145426 kg (Mass) 0.145426 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal CIS 1.37356 kg (Mass) 1.37356 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite Germany (Rheinisch) 88.8028 kg (Mass) 88.8028 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite France 0.00115038 kg (Mass) 0.00115038 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Pit Methane 0.445738 kg (Mass) 0.445738 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable material resources Soil 146.703 kg (Mass) 146.703 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Germany 0.284165 kg (Mass) 0.284165 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Australia 0.00645398 kg (Mass) 0.00645398 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Brunei 8.20071E-6 kg (Mass) 8.20071E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Malaysia 6.89033E-6 kg (Mass) 6.89033E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Indonesia 8.62146E-4 kg (Mass) 8.62146E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Molybdenite (Mo 0,24%) 1.54965E-4 kg (Mass) 1.54965E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Renewable energy resources Primary energy from wind power 34.5583 MJ (Net calorific value) 34.5583 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas New Zealand 1.53679E-4 kg (Mass) 1.53679E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal Japan 2.60744E-9 kg (Mass) 2.60744E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Czech Republic 1.74684E-4 kg (Mass) 1.74684E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Spain 3.8266E-5 kg (Mass) 3.8266E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Greece 1.17865E-5 kg (Mass) 1.17865E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Poland 0.00116557 kg (Mass) 0.00116557 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal Brazil 5.96253E-4 kg (Mass) 5.96253E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal Portugal 4.71683E-6 kg (Mass) 4.71683E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Argentina 9.89391E-4 kg (Mass) 9.89391E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Argentina 0.00115991 kg (Mass) 0.00115991 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Brazil 0.00745748 kg (Mass) 0.00745748 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Brazil 0.0319433 kg (Mass) 0.0319433 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Tunisia 0.0255189 kg (Mass) 0.0255189 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Tunisia 0.00215105 kg (Mass) 0.00215105 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil China 2.91739E-4 kg (Mass) 2.91739E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Gabon 1.13869E-4 kg (Mass) 1.13869E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Gabon 7.72565E-4 kg (Mass) 7.72565E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Titanium ore 2.52025E-4 kg (Mass) 2.52025E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Precious metal ore (R.O.M) 7.72572E-6 kg (Mass) 7.72572E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Sodium sulphate 1.59279E-6 kg (Mass) 1.59279E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Renewable energy resources Primary energy from solar energy 9.60039 MJ (Net calorific value) 9.60039 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Renewable energy resources Primary energy from geothermics 0.0510143 MJ (Net calorific value) 0.0510143 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable material resources Basalt 0.00154824 kg (Mass) 0.00154824 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable material resources Peat 0.00580923 MJ (Net calorific value) 0.00580923 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable material resources Magnesium chloride leach (40%) 0.132902 kg (Mass) 0.132902 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Ireland 1.50957E-8 kg (Mass) 1.50957E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Austria 2.70588E-4 kg (Mass) 2.70588E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Bulgaria 4.20053E-8 kg (Mass) 4.20053E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Bolivia 0.00202093 kg (Mass) 0.00202093 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Chile 3.64757E-4 kg (Mass) 3.64757E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Ecuador 2.33088E-5 kg (Mass) 2.33088E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Hungary 2.64076E-4 kg (Mass) 2.64076E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Iraq 0.00186624 kg (Mass) 0.00186624 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas India 2.15462E-7 kg (Mass) 2.15462E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Romania 4.00705E-5 kg (Mass) 4.00705E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Slovakia 1.58024E-5 kg (Mass) 1.58024E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Syria 1.70515E-7 kg (Mass) 1.70515E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Turkey 2.27038E-12 kg (Mass) 2.27038E-12 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas South Africa 8.39719E-6 kg (Mass) 8.39719E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Trinidad and Tobago 2.91648E-4 kg (Mass) 2.91648E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Austria 0.00146602 kg (Mass) 0.00146602 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Bulgaria 2.8702E-7 kg (Mass) 2.8702E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Bolivia 1.0055E-6 kg (Mass) 1.0055E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Chile 1.53311E-6 kg (Mass) 1.53311E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Czech Republic 4.60727E-4 kg (Mass) 4.60727E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Ecuador 2.09315E-4 kg (Mass) 2.09315E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Greece 1.52707E-4 kg (Mass) 1.52707E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Hungary 7.64251E-4 kg (Mass) 7.64251E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Iraq 0.0202193 kg (Mass) 0.0202193 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil India 3.78822E-8 kg (Mass) 3.78822E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Poland 0.0109065 kg (Mass) 0.0109065 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Romania 6.17737E-4 kg (Mass) 6.17737E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Slovakia 1.68384E-6 kg (Mass) 1.68384E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Syria 1.58679E-6 kg (Mass) 1.58679E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Turkey 2.24496E-11 kg (Mass) 2.24496E-11 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Crude oil Trinidad and Tobago 2.22742E-4 kg (Mass) 2.22742E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal Chile 1.5983E-4 kg (Mass) 1.5983E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal Turkey 9.70709E-8 kg (Mass) 9.70709E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal India 2.81175E-6 kg (Mass) 2.81175E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite Bulgaria 1.43604E-4 kg (Mass) 1.43604E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite Canada 0.00308103 kg (Mass) 0.00308103 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite CIS 0.0120396 kg (Mass) 0.0120396 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite Czech Republic 0.491102 kg (Mass) 0.491102 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite Hungary 6.37845E-4 kg (Mass) 6.37845E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite Poland 0.166719 kg (Mass) 0.166719 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite Slovakia 1.05089E-4 kg (Mass) 1.05089E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite Romania 1.24134E-5 kg (Mass) 1.24134E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite Slovenia 4.77083E-4 kg (Mass) 4.77083E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite Turkey 2.78307E-9 kg (Mass) 2.78307E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Natural gas Ireland 3.47063E-5 kg (Mass) 3.47063E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable material resources Raw pumice 1.59397E-5 kg (Mass) 1.59397E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal Malaysia 3.01157E-11 kg (Mass) 3.01157E-11 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Renewable energy resources Wood (16.9 MJ/kg) 0.0291027 MJ (Net calorific value) 0.0291027 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal New Zealand 1.31069E-4 kg (Mass) 1.31069E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite Macedonia 1.03532E-4 kg (Mass) 1.03532E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite Serbia and Montenegro 4.23343E-4 kg (Mass) 4.23343E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite Bosnia and Herzegovina 5.57198E-5 kg (Mass) 5.57198E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Hard coal Bosnia and Herzegovina 2.41165E-5 kg (Mass) 2.41165E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable material resources Copper - Gold - Silver - ore (1,1% Cu; 0,01 g/t Au; 2,86 g/t Ag) 1.84505E-4 kg (Mass) 1.84505E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable material resources Copper - Gold - Silver - ore (1,16% Cu; 0,002 g/t Au; 1,06 g/t Ag) 1.04143E-4 kg (Mass) 1.04143E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable material resources Copper - Molybdenum - Gold - Silver - ore (1,13% Cu; 0,02% Mo; 0,01 g/t Au; 2,86 g/t Ag) 2.5373E-4 kg (Mass) 2.5373E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable material resources Copper - Gold - Silver - ore (1,0% Cu; 0,4 g/t Au; 66 g/t Ag) 3.02872E-4 kg (Mass) 3.02872E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Renewable energy resources Renewable fuels 1.09426E-6 kg (Mass) 1.09426E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Product flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Materials production / Water Cooling water 0.392834 kg (Mass) 0.392834 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Pit gas 2.49072E-5 kg (Mass) 2.49072E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Lignite Germany 0.00214502 kg (Mass) 0.00214502 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable material resources Phosphorus ore (29% P2O5) 3.41379E-7 kg (Mass) 3.41379E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Product flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Materials production / Non-renewable energy resources Process water 0.0168443 kg (Mass) 0.0168443 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Product flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Materials production / Water Water for industrial use 0.16096 kg (Mass) 0.16096 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Coal, brown (lignite) 6.38847E-5 MJ (Net calorific value) 6.38847E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Gas, natural (0,8 kg/m3) 2.21914E-4 MJ (Net calorific value) 2.21914E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Oil, crude (860 kg/m3) 0.00208281 MJ (Net calorific value) 0.00208281 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable energy resources Coal, hard 7.78025E-5 kg (Mass) 7.78025E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Resources / Non-renewable element resources Ilmenite (titanium ore) 0.0406661 kg (Mass) 0.0406661 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Product flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Materials production / Non-renewable energy resources Quartz sand (silica sand) 1.7058E-10 kg (Mass) 1.7058E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Product flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Wastes / Production residues Secondary fuel 1089.03 MJ (Net calorific value) 1089.03 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Product flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Wastes / Production residues Secondary fuel renewable 385.605 MJ (Net calorific value) 385.605 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Type Of FlowNames the basic type of the flow. Classification Flow"Flow data set" of this Input or Output. VariableData set internal reference to a variable or parameter name as defined in the section "Mathematical model". The value of this variable or parameter acts as linear multiplier to the value given in the field "Mean amount" to yield the "Resulting amount", which is the final value in the inventory. Resulting amountFinal value to be used for calculation of the LCI results and in the product system: It is calculated as the product of the "Mean amount" value times the value of the "Variable". In case that no "Variable" entry is given, the "Resulting amount" is identical to the "Mean amount", i.e. a factor "1" is applied. Mean amountMean amount of the Input or Output. Only significant digits of the amount should be stated. Data source typeIdentifies the data source type of each single Input or Output as being "Primary", "Secondary", or "Mixed primary/secondary". Data derivation type / statusIdentifies the way by which the individual Input / Output amount was derived (e.g. measured, estimated etc.), respectively the status and relevancy of missing data.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Chromium 1.40429E-6 kg (Mass) 1.40429E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Krypton-85 42163.8 kBq (Radioactivity) 42163.8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Filter dust (heavy fuel oil power plant) 2.30621E-9 kg (Mass) 2.30621E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Nitrogen (atmospheric nitrogen) 0.0414641 kg (Mass) 0.0414641 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Silver 1.35139E-15 kg (Mass) 1.35139E-15 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Palladium 3.4168E-16 kg (Mass) 3.4168E-16 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Chromium 8.45845E-6 kg (Mass) 8.45845E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Potassium 1.55088E-4 kg (Mass) 1.55088E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Carbon dioxide 717.991 kg (Mass) 717.991 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Magnesium 0.00688081 kg (Mass) 0.00688081 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Sulphuric acid 0.00370043 kg (Mass) 0.00370043 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Product flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Materials production / Inorganic chemicals Iron sulphate dissolution 0.0165984 kg (Mass) 0.0165984 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Product flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Materials production / Inorganic chemicals carbonyl sulphide 5.187E-6 kg (Mass) 5.187E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Waste heat 855.832 MJ (Net calorific value) 855.832 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Resources / Renewable material resources Water (river water) 1535.17 kg (Mass) 1535.17 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Sulphur 5.38562E-9 kg (Mass) 5.38562E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Used air 1.86501 kg (Mass) 1.86501 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Waste heat 110.861 MJ (Net calorific value) 110.861 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Carbon monoxide 3.90119 kg (Mass) 3.90119 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Methane 0.412907 kg (Mass) 0.412907 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Dinitrogen monoxide 0.00493784 kg (Mass) 0.00493784 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds, unspecified origin 0.0140654 kg (Mass) 0.0140654 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Nitrogen oxides (as NO2) 1.22535 kg (Mass) 1.22535 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Dust (unspecified) 0.177355 kg (Mass) 0.177355 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Hydrogen chloride 0.00577175 kg (Mass) 0.00577175 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Hydrogen fluoride 5.82342E-4 kg (Mass) 5.82342E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Chlorinated hydrocarbons (unspecified) 2.28333E-14 kg (Mass) 2.28333E-14 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Antimony 1.00065E-5 kg (Mass) 1.00065E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Arsenic 1.23387E-5 kg (Mass) 1.23387E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Hydrogen arsenic (arsine) 2.76283E-10 kg (Mass) 2.76283E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Beryllium 7.66046E-6 kg (Mass) 7.66046E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Lead 3.85903E-5 kg (Mass) 3.85903E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Cadmium 6.93188E-6 kg (Mass) 6.93188E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Silver 1.97806E-8 kg (Mass) 1.97806E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Chromium +III 1.9002E-5 kg (Mass) 1.9002E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Iron 1.67984E-6 kg (Mass) 1.67984E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Cobalt 1.96102E-5 kg (Mass) 1.96102E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
invalid flow referenceExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Copper (kg) [Emissions to air| XXX]]UUID: 88660707-9967-11da-a72b-0800200c9a66Resulting Amount: 3,07242585770504E-05 3.07243E-5 3.07243E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Lanthanides 1.80608E-10 kg (Mass) 1.80608E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Manganese 1.02792E-4 kg (Mass) 1.02792E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Molybdenum 1.11988E-7 kg (Mass) 1.11988E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Nickel 2.39652E-5 kg (Mass) 2.39652E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Mercury 3.96536E-5 kg (Mass) 3.96536E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Scandium 8.54487E-11 kg (Mass) 8.54487E-11 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Selenium 2.83386E-5 kg (Mass) 2.83386E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Strontium 3.41013E-9 kg (Mass) 3.41013E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Thallium 9.5927E-6 kg (Mass) 9.5927E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Titanium 1.15572E-8 kg (Mass) 1.15572E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Vanadium 3.57023E-5 kg (Mass) 3.57023E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Zinc 1.22389E-4 kg (Mass) 1.22389E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Tin 2.1963E-5 kg (Mass) 2.1963E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Ammonia 0.00128499 kg (Mass) 0.00128499 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Ammonium nitrate 1.31424E-10 kg (Mass) 1.31424E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Hydrogen bromine (hydrobromic acid) 4.27405E-7 kg (Mass) 4.27405E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Bromine 4.48365E-5 kg (Mass) 4.48365E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Chlorine 1.36272E-7 kg (Mass) 1.36272E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Chloride (unspecified) 1.54449E-5 kg (Mass) 1.54449E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Cyanide (unspecified) 3.70758E-7 kg (Mass) 3.70758E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Hydrocyanic acid 2.18936E-8 kg (Mass) 2.18936E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Fluorine 6.22566E-9 kg (Mass) 6.22566E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Fluoride (unspecified) 2.44976E-5 kg (Mass) 2.44976E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Sulphuric acid 4.49562E-8 kg (Mass) 4.49562E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Hydrogen sulfide 1.69509E-4 kg (Mass) 1.69509E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Hydroxide 7.92855E-4 kg (Mass) 7.92855E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Acetone 5.18566E-6 kg (Mass) 5.18566E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Benzene 0.00309067 kg (Mass) 0.00309067 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Cyclohexane 6.56965E-8 kg (Mass) 6.56965E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30 4.77493E-15 kg (Mass) 4.77493E-15 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Diethyl amine (ethylene ethane amine) 5.53216E-14 kg (Mass) 5.53216E-14 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Acetic acid 2.41882E-5 kg (Mass) 2.41882E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Benzene, ethyl- 1.77E-4 kg (Mass) 1.77E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Formaldehyde 1.18157E-4 kg (Mass) 1.18157E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Heptane 2.23803E-5 kg (Mass) 2.23803E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Hexamethylene diamine (HMDA) 1.2841E-10 kg (Mass) 1.2841E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Hexane 3.51313E-5 kg (Mass) 3.51313E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Methanol 7.96389E-6 kg (Mass) 7.96389E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Octane 1.23119E-5 kg (Mass) 1.23119E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Phenol 1.00724E-10 kg (Mass) 1.00724E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Propionic acid (propane acid) 9.37993E-10 kg (Mass) 9.37993E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11 7.00893E-6 kg (Mass) 7.00893E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources R 114 (dichlorotetrafluoroethane) 7.17782E-6 kg (Mass) 7.17782E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12 1.50692E-6 kg (Mass) 1.50692E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13 9.46205E-7 kg (Mass) 9.46205E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22 1.6471E-6 kg (Mass) 1.6471E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Styrene 7.27512E-11 kg (Mass) 7.27512E-11 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Toluene 8.34938E-5 kg (Mass) 8.34938E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Ethylene, chloro- 1.21196E-7 kg (Mass) 1.21196E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Xylene 7.46052E-4 kg (Mass) 7.46052E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Carbon-14 1.14509 kBq (Radioactivity) 1.14509 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Cobalt-60 4.97981E-5 kBq (Radioactivity) 4.97981E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Cesium-134 3.13439E-4 kBq (Radioactivity) 3.13439E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Cesium-137 6.40346E-4 kBq (Radioactivity) 6.40346E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Hydrogen-3, Tritium 4.86292 kBq (Radioactivity) 4.86292 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Iodine-129 0.00244702 kBq (Radioactivity) 0.00244702 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Plutonium-alpha 9.94706E-8 kBq (Radioactivity) 9.94706E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Radon-222 614.788 kBq (Radioactivity) 614.788 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Uranium-234 0.00267133 kBq (Radioactivity) 0.00267133 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Uranium-235 1.28796E-4 kBq (Radioactivity) 1.28796E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Uranium-238 0.0131279 kBq (Radioactivity) 0.0131279 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Xenon-133 5.63747 kBq (Radioactivity) 5.63747 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Xenon-135 1.86384 kBq (Radioactivity) 1.86384 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Xenon-138 0.0629361 kBq (Radioactivity) 0.0629361 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Iodine-131 3.67712E-4 kBq (Radioactivity) 3.67712E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Magnesium chloride 9.29966E-11 kg (Mass) 9.29966E-11 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Cobalt-58 1.96339E-6 kBq (Radioactivity) 1.96339E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Antimony-124 3.9563E-7 kBq (Radioactivity) 3.9563E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Adsorbable organic halogen compounds (AOX) 1.75386E-5 kg (Mass) 1.75386E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Biological oxygen demand (BOD) 0.00110937 kg (Mass) 0.00110937 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Chemical oxygen demand (COD) 0.0275457 kg (Mass) 0.0275457 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources inert chemical waste 2.02607E-10 kg (Mass) 2.02607E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Resources / Renewable element resources Nitrogen 5.33662E-6 kg (Mass) 5.33662E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Resources / Renewable element resources Oxygen 0.298532 kg (Mass) 0.298532 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Organic compounds (unspecified) 5.36264E-21 kg (Mass) 5.36264E-21 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Aromatic hydrocarbons (unspecified) 1.59065E-6 kg (Mass) 1.59065E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Total organic bounded carbon 0.039184 kg (Mass) 0.039184 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Antimony 2.33297E-12 kg (Mass) 2.33297E-12 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Arsenic 6.37932E-6 kg (Mass) 6.37932E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Barium 1.59568E-5 kg (Mass) 1.59568E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Beryllium 2.46655E-8 kg (Mass) 2.46655E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Lead 1.97028E-5 kg (Mass) 1.97028E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Cadmium 4.1408E-6 kg (Mass) 4.1408E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Chromium +III 2.04707E-6 kg (Mass) 2.04707E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Chromium VI 8.10125E-8 kg (Mass) 8.10125E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon-1301 1.33524E-10 kg (Mass) 1.33524E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Iron 0.258378 kg (Mass) 0.258378 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Metals (unspecified) 6.07314E-11 kg (Mass) 6.07314E-11 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Cobalt 2.26113E-9 kg (Mass) 2.26113E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
invalid flow referenceExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Copper (kg) [Emissions to fresh water| XXX]]UUID: 88660708-9967-11da-a72b-0800200c9a66Resulting Amount: 8,79713534331976E-06 8.79714E-6 8.79714E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Manganese 1.69257E-4 kg (Mass) 1.69257E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Molybdenum 2.04407E-5 kg (Mass) 2.04407E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Nickel 8.04186E-6 kg (Mass) 8.04186E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Mercury 2.33688E-7 kg (Mass) 2.33688E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Thallium 1.74529E-10 kg (Mass) 1.74529E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Titanium 6.22896E-5 kg (Mass) 6.22896E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Vanadium 1.25254E-5 kg (Mass) 1.25254E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Zinc 1.25221E-5 kg (Mass) 1.25221E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Tin 8.58431E-10 kg (Mass) 8.58431E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Aluminum 6.57612E-4 kg (Mass) 6.57612E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Ammonium / ammonia 0.00113015 kg (Mass) 0.00113015 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Acid (calculated as H+) 5.88976E-6 kg (Mass) 5.88976E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Chloride 1.18581 kg (Mass) 1.18581 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Cyanide 1.21824E-7 kg (Mass) 1.21824E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Fluoride 0.101509 kg (Mass) 0.101509 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Hydrogen fluoride 5.01631E-9 kg (Mass) 5.01631E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Sodium 0.240394 kg (Mass) 0.240394 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Nitrate 0.00419606 kg (Mass) 0.00419606 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Phosphate 2.26039E-5 kg (Mass) 2.26039E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Calcium 0.0361982 kg (Mass) 0.0361982 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Sulphate 0.649007 kg (Mass) 0.649007 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Propane, 1,2-dichloro- 1.03069E-13 kg (Mass) 1.03069E-13 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Benzene 5.50705E-6 kg (Mass) 5.50705E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Benzene, ethyl- 3.41696E-7 kg (Mass) 3.41696E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Cresol (methyl phenol) 1.39496E-10 kg (Mass) 1.39496E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Methanol 3.89984E-4 kg (Mass) 3.89984E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Methane, monochloro-, R-40 8.87112E-8 kg (Mass) 8.87112E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 1.1878E-20 kg (Mass) 1.1878E-20 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Toluene 3.2971E-6 kg (Mass) 3.2971E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Ethylene, chloro- 9.10909E-12 kg (Mass) 9.10909E-12 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Xylene 3.74035E-6 kg (Mass) 3.74035E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Americium-241 0.00112835 kBq (Radioactivity) 0.00112835 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Carbon-14 0.0571227 kBq (Radioactivity) 0.0571227 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Curium-alpha 0.0014954 kBq (Radioactivity) 0.0014954 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Cobalt-60 0.245885 kBq (Radioactivity) 0.245885 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Cesium-134 0.0574511 kBq (Radioactivity) 0.0574511 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Cesium-137 0.530338 kBq (Radioactivity) 0.530338 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Hydrogen-3, Tritium 1666.84 kBq (Radioactivity) 1666.84 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Iodine-129 0.163209 kBq (Radioactivity) 0.163209 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Plutonium-alpha 0.00449305 kBq (Radioactivity) 0.00449305 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Radium-226 18.6102 kBq (Radioactivity) 18.6102 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Ruthenium-106 0.00112835 kBq (Radioactivity) 0.00112835 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Strontium-90 0.0545285 kBq (Radioactivity) 0.0545285 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Uranium-238 0.339866 kBq (Radioactivity) 0.339866 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Manganese-54 0.0381198 kBq (Radioactivity) 0.0381198 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Cobalt-58 4.38624E-4 kBq (Radioactivity) 4.38624E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Antimony-124 1.1734E-5 kBq (Radioactivity) 1.1734E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Antimony-125 7.99478E-6 kBq (Radioactivity) 7.99478E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Iodine-131 8.37154E-6 kBq (Radioactivity) 8.37154E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Chromium containing slag 4.61019E-10 kg (Mass) 4.61019E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Gypsum 3.09954E-6 kg (Mass) 3.09954E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Red mud (dry) 0.36703 kg (Mass) 0.36703 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Waste water processing residue 0.00747569 kg (Mass) 0.00747569 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Steel works slag 2.73703E-4 kg (Mass) 2.73703E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Furnace clinker 1.09586E-5 kg (Mass) 1.09586E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Tailings 0.105131 kg (Mass) 0.105131 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Landfilling Ash 9.1364E-6 kg (Mass) 9.1364E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Aldehydes 2.78583E-6 kg (Mass) 2.78583E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Hazardous waste (unspec.) 0.0700374 kg (Mass) 0.0700374 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Liquid hazardous waste 1.03282E-8 kg (Mass) 1.03282E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Landfilling Waste radioactive 6.41614E-4 kg (Mass) 6.41614E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Landfilling CaF2 (low radioactice) 1.08049E-4 kg (Mass) 1.08049E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Landfilling Uranium depleted 7.40267E-4 kg (Mass) 7.40267E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Jacket and body material 2.11697E-10 kg (Mass) 2.11697E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Volatile fission products (inert gases;iodine;C14) 3.62788E-12 kg (Mass) 3.62788E-12 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Highly-active fission product solution 3.52581E-10 kg (Mass) 3.52581E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Medium and low radioactive liquid waste 5.03191E-10 kg (Mass) 5.03191E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Landfilling Plutonium as residual product 6.41419E-7 kg (Mass) 6.41419E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Uranium spent as residue 8.12916E-11 kg (Mass) 8.12916E-11 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Landfilling Medium and low radioactive wastes 3.82597E-4 kg (Mass) 3.82597E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Landfilling Radioactive tailings 0.189275 kg (Mass) 0.189275 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Metals (unspecified) 3.80612E-7 kg (Mass) 3.80612E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Solids (dissolved) 0.00120166 kg (Mass) 0.00120166 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Detergent (unspecified) 1.2631E-12 kg (Mass) 1.2631E-12 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Waste (unspecified) 0.00167841 kg (Mass) 0.00167841 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Organic waste 3.03945E-6 kg (Mass) 3.03945E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Halogenated hydrocarbons (unspecified) 3.22261E-15 kg (Mass) 3.22261E-15 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Organic chlorine compounds 6.57694E-11 kg (Mass) 6.57694E-11 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Exhaust 381.7 kg (Mass) 381.7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Nitrogen 6.48257E-5 kg (Mass) 6.48257E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Sulphide 1.69826E-4 kg (Mass) 1.69826E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Cooling water 0.003362 kg (Mass) 0.003362 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Chlorine 8.81313E-4 kg (Mass) 8.81313E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Organic chlorine compounds (unspecified) 6.57873E-11 kg (Mass) 6.57873E-11 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Organic compounds (dissolved) 5.06297E-11 kg (Mass) 5.06297E-11 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Arsenic trioxide 3.32872E-12 kg (Mass) 3.32872E-12 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Hydrogen 3.23446E-4 kg (Mass) 3.23446E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Propene 1.60694E-5 kg (Mass) 1.60694E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Rolling tinder 1.63786E-5 kg (Mass) 1.63786E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Carbonate 9.77674E-4 kg (Mass) 9.77674E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Acrylonitrile 7.53746E-9 kg (Mass) 7.53746E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Soil loss by erosion into water 8.83893E-8 kg (Mass) 8.83893E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Carbon, organically bound 6.92414E-5 kg (Mass) 6.92414E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Butadiene 2.18297E-9 kg (Mass) 2.18297E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Sulfur hexafluoride 1.18546E-9 kg (Mass) 1.18546E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Slag 0.00325655 kg (Mass) 0.00325655 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Sludge 0.0234755 kg (Mass) 0.0234755 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Slag 0.00213541 kg (Mass) 0.00213541 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Oxygen 0.263412 kg (Mass) 0.263412 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Steam 228.84 kg (Mass) 228.84 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-renewable energy resources Oil (unspecified) 3.94496E-5 kg (Mass) 3.94496E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Methane, tetrafluoro-, FC-14 3.40624E-8 kg (Mass) 3.40624E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Wood 0.00756 kg (Mass) 0.00756 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Total dissolved organic bounded carbon 5.68965E-9 kg (Mass) 5.68965E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Heavy metals to air (unspecified) 3.63731E-8 kg (Mass) 3.63731E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Solids (suspended) 0.0814991 kg (Mass) 0.0814991 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Hydrocarbons (unspecified) 9.44744E-6 kg (Mass) 9.44744E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Oil (unspecified) 2.82858E-5 kg (Mass) 2.82858E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH, unspec.) 4.26245E-6 kg (Mass) 4.26245E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Neutral salts 1.20008E-7 kg (Mass) 1.20008E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Heavy metals to water (unspecified) 1.15404E-7 kg (Mass) 1.15404E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Ethane 0.00298558 kg (Mass) 0.00298558 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Butane 0.00101284 kg (Mass) 0.00101284 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Pentane 5.54684E-4 kg (Mass) 5.54684E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Ethanol 1.25342E-5 kg (Mass) 1.25342E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Propane 0.00392757 kg (Mass) 0.00392757 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-renewable energy resources Ammonia 0.00106166 kg (Mass) 0.00106166 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-renewable energy resources Chromium +III 2.18137E-7 kg (Mass) 2.18137E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-renewable energy resources Mercury 2.22292E-9 kg (Mass) 2.22292E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-renewable energy resources Nickel 8.10484E-7 kg (Mass) 8.10484E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
invalid flow referenceExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Copper (kg) [Emissions to industrial soil| XXX]]UUID: 8866070a-9967-11da-a72b-0800200c9a66Resulting Amount: 2,39202378865328E-07 2.39202E-7 2.39202E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-renewable energy resources Cobalt 3.6692E-8 kg (Mass) 3.6692E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-renewable energy resources Cadmium 1.19642E-8 kg (Mass) 1.19642E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-renewable energy resources Lead 3.27757E-7 kg (Mass) 3.27757E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-renewable energy resources Arsenic 8.40586E-10 kg (Mass) 8.40586E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-renewable energy resources Zinc 1.10628E-6 kg (Mass) 1.10628E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Fluoranthene 2.64633E-9 kg (Mass) 2.64633E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Fluorene 8.39701E-9 kg (Mass) 8.39701E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Ammonium 2.21287E-9 kg (Mass) 2.21287E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Tellurium 3.80027E-6 kg (Mass) 3.80027E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Benzene, 1,3,5-trimethyl- 1.19633E-11 kg (Mass) 1.19633E-11 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Nitrogen monoxide 3.81472E-6 kg (Mass) 3.81472E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Selenium 3.62443E-6 kg (Mass) 3.62443E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Acetic acid 1.7742E-5 kg (Mass) 1.7742E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Fluorine 2.36508E-7 kg (Mass) 2.36508E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Hydrogen chloride 2.87043E-5 kg (Mass) 2.87043E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Hexane 1.61118E-11 kg (Mass) 1.61118E-11 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Sulphite 6.76002E-5 kg (Mass) 6.76002E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-renewable energy resources Manganese 4.6107E-7 kg (Mass) 4.6107E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Nitrogen organic bounded 1.13556E-4 kg (Mass) 1.13556E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Inorganic salts and acids (unspecified) 9.04873E-16 kg (Mass) 9.04873E-16 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Aromatic hydrocarbons (unspecified) 1.00796E-6 kg (Mass) 1.00796E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Slag (Iron plate production) 8.40248E-10 kg (Mass) 8.40248E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Boron 2.27116E-4 kg (Mass) 2.27116E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Mercaptan (unspecified) 1.54788E-6 kg (Mass) 1.54788E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Paper (unspecified) 5.21793E-8 kg (Mass) 5.21793E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-renewable energy resources Phosphorus 1.08986E-4 kg (Mass) 1.08986E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-renewable energy resources Iron 3.01617E-6 kg (Mass) 3.01617E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-renewable energy resources Chromium 2.07818E-6 kg (Mass) 2.07818E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Boron compounds (unspecified) 1.85875E-4 kg (Mass) 1.85875E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Strontium 2.21285E-4 kg (Mass) 2.21285E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Acetaldehyde 5.40709E-6 kg (Mass) 5.40709E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Helium 1.30527E-6 kg (Mass) 1.30527E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Barium 5.37395E-5 kg (Mass) 5.37395E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Benzo(a)pyrene 1.0336E-8 kg (Mass) 1.0336E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Liquid waste 1.75545E-5 kg (Mass) 1.75545E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Benzo(a)anthracene 4.08824E-10 kg (Mass) 4.08824E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Zinc sulphate 6.86667E-9 kg (Mass) 6.86667E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Silicate particles 1.83433E-9 kg (Mass) 1.83433E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Rolling gravel 4.40238E-4 kg (Mass) 4.40238E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Municipal waste 1.05066E-7 kg (Mass) 1.05066E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Alkenes 1.77558E-4 kg (Mass) 1.77558E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Alkanes 1.92708E-4 kg (Mass) 1.92708E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Argon-41 2.49558 kBq (Radioactivity) 2.49558 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Xenon-131 0.0344444 kBq (Radioactivity) 0.0344444 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Xenon-137 4.88555E-4 kBq (Radioactivity) 4.88555E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Silver-110 1.7148E-6 kBq (Radioactivity) 1.7148E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Non used primary energy from wind power 0.0122264 MJ (Net calorific value) 0.0122264 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Non used primary energy from water power 5.01455 MJ (Net calorific value) 5.01455 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Fluorides 7.63947E-6 kg (Mass) 7.63947E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Mineral waste 7.50338E-6 kg (Mass) 7.50338E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Nitrogen dioxide 1.62982E-10 kg (Mass) 1.62982E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Zinc oxide 2.45626E-12 kg (Mass) 2.45626E-12 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Tin oxide 1.22813E-12 kg (Mass) 1.22813E-12 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Benzo(k)fluoranthene 7.29437E-10 kg (Mass) 7.29437E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Pyrene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)- 2.71418E-10 kg (Mass) 2.71418E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Benzo(ghi)perylene 3.64718E-10 kg (Mass) 3.64718E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Anthracene 8.12559E-10 kg (Mass) 8.12559E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Chrysene 1.00425E-9 kg (Mass) 1.00425E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Phenanthrene 2.68026E-8 kg (Mass) 2.68026E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Naphthalene 8.53272E-8 kg (Mass) 8.53272E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 2.27313E-10 kg (Mass) 2.27313E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Dioxins (unspec.) 2.49222E-14 kg (Mass) 2.49222E-14 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Wood (dust) 4.53282E-10 kg (Mass) 4.53282E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Dust (PM10) 0.00128223 kg (Mass) 0.00128223 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Dust (PM2.5) 0.00725984 kg (Mass) 0.00725984 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Phosphorus 9.08272E-6 kg (Mass) 9.08272E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Ethane, 1,2-dibromo- 1.54321E-11 kg (Mass) 1.54321E-11 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Anthracene 3.8937E-9 kg (Mass) 3.8937E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Fluoranthene 4.7472E-10 kg (Mass) 4.7472E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Benzo(k)fluoranthene 2.25367E-10 kg (Mass) 2.25367E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Chrysene 1.8288E-9 kg (Mass) 1.8288E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Benzo(a)anthracene 4.02471E-10 kg (Mass) 4.02471E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Naphthalene 1.5594E-7 kg (Mass) 1.5594E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Acenaphthene 2.7646E-9 kg (Mass) 2.7646E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Acenaphthylene 1.14644E-9 kg (Mass) 1.14644E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Adsorbable organic halogen compounds (AOX) 3.73998E-12 kg (Mass) 3.73998E-12 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Biological oxygen demand (BOD) 4.12556E-6 kg (Mass) 4.12556E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Chemical oxygen demand (COD) 3.29326E-4 kg (Mass) 3.29326E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Total organic bounded carbon 4.12556E-6 kg (Mass) 4.12556E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Aluminum 4.77784E-10 kg (Mass) 4.77784E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Ammonia 1.4198E-8 kg (Mass) 1.4198E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Barium 5.96536E-5 kg (Mass) 5.96536E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Beryllium 9.13901E-8 kg (Mass) 9.13901E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Boron 7.72587E-9 kg (Mass) 7.72587E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Calcium 8.43746E-7 kg (Mass) 8.43746E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Carbonate 0.00374923 kg (Mass) 0.00374923 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Chloride 0.296005 kg (Mass) 0.296005 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Magnesium 9.23794E-7 kg (Mass) 9.23794E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Sodium 8.23892E-5 kg (Mass) 8.23892E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Nitrate 4.86432E-6 kg (Mass) 4.86432E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Sulphur 4.13402E-9 kg (Mass) 4.13402E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Sulphate 0.00159185 kg (Mass) 0.00159185 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Sulphide 6.80066E-4 kg (Mass) 6.80066E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Aromatic hydrocarbons (unspecified) 4.12556E-8 kg (Mass) 4.12556E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Benzene 1.33882E-5 kg (Mass) 1.33882E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Acetic acid 2.64854E-7 kg (Mass) 2.64854E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Benzene, ethyl- 1.52393E-6 kg (Mass) 1.52393E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Hexane 1.16905E-11 kg (Mass) 1.16905E-11 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Cresol (methyl phenol) 1.07078E-10 kg (Mass) 1.07078E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Oil (unspecified) 1.40768E-4 kg (Mass) 1.40768E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Phenol 3.01235E-5 kg (Mass) 3.01235E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Toluene 7.67376E-6 kg (Mass) 7.67376E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Xylene 6.91349E-6 kg (Mass) 6.91349E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Anthracene 2.32349E-8 kg (Mass) 2.32349E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Fluoranthene 2.60844E-8 kg (Mass) 2.60844E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Benzo(k)fluoranthene 2.50202E-8 kg (Mass) 2.50202E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Chrysene 1.26679E-7 kg (Mass) 1.26679E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Benzo(a)anthracene 2.23633E-8 kg (Mass) 2.23633E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Naphthalene 3.05858E-6 kg (Mass) 3.05858E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Acenaphthene 9.89111E-8 kg (Mass) 9.89111E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Acenaphthylene 3.76002E-8 kg (Mass) 3.76002E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Solids (suspended) 0.00328336 kg (Mass) 0.00328336 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Arsenic 7.29649E-7 kg (Mass) 7.29649E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Lead 2.5521E-7 kg (Mass) 2.5521E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Cadmium 6.58884E-7 kg (Mass) 6.58884E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Chromium 1.17029E-6 kg (Mass) 1.17029E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Iron 1.96546E-5 kg (Mass) 1.96546E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Cobalt 1.59937E-6 kg (Mass) 1.59937E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
invalid flow referenceExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Copper (kg) [Emissions to sea water| XXX]]UUID: 8866070b-9967-11da-a72b-0800200c9a66Resulting Amount: 1,27880605160134E-06 1.27881E-6 1.27881E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Manganese 2.05685E-6 kg (Mass) 2.05685E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Molybdenum 4.10013E-11 kg (Mass) 4.10013E-11 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Nickel 1.08118E-6 kg (Mass) 1.08118E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Mercury 1.14073E-8 kg (Mass) 1.14073E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Silver 1.21649E-10 kg (Mass) 1.21649E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Strontium 8.12009E-7 kg (Mass) 8.12009E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Titanium 1.48418E-11 kg (Mass) 1.48418E-11 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Vanadium 1.09673E-6 kg (Mass) 1.09673E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Zinc 3.20302E-5 kg (Mass) 3.20302E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to sea water / Non-renewable energy resources Tin 1.45707E-10 kg (Mass) 1.45707E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / XXX Highly radioactive waste 3.22445E-4 kg (Mass) 3.22445E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Bromine 3.78408E-9 kg (Mass) 3.78408E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-renewable energy resources Fluoride 1.04822E-5 kg (Mass) 1.04822E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-renewable energy resources Strontium 6.7007E-4 kg (Mass) 6.7007E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Product flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Materials production / Non-renewable energy resources Water (desalinated; deionized) 9.52694E-10 kg (Mass) 9.52694E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Product flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Neutralized residues 0.00654945 kg (Mass) 0.00654945 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Rhodium 3.29835E-16 kg (Mass) 3.29835E-16 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Sodium chloride (rock salt) 6.07932E-9 kg (Mass) 6.07932E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Waste water 144.262 kg (Mass) 144.262 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Sulfur dioxide 0.361572 kg (Mass) 0.361572 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Biphenyls, polychlorinated-, PCBs 1.95966E-8 kg (Mass) 1.95966E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Phosphine 1.83026E-11 kg (Mass) 1.83026E-11 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Sodium hypochlorite 1.81546E-8 kg (Mass) 1.81546E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Phenol 5.94825E-6 kg (Mass) 5.94825E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Ethylene 1.9872E-6 kg (Mass) 1.9872E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources VOC, volatile organic compounds, unspecified origin 2.09064E-5 kg (Mass) 2.09064E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Carbon disulfide 2.86596E-9 kg (Mass) 2.86596E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Acrolein 5.73371E-9 kg (Mass) 5.73371E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 2.53586E-11 kg (Mass) 2.53586E-11 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) 1.59686E-4 kg (Mass) 1.59686E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Ammonia 4.14337E-5 kg (Mass) 4.14337E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Unused primary energy from solar energy 0.517713 kg (Mass) 0.517713 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Lead dioxide 1.41142E-11 kg (Mass) 1.41142E-11 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Landfilling Slag (deposited) 0.0416911 kg (Mass) 0.0416911 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-(semi)metal inorganics Hydrogen iodide 4.71273E-10 kg (Mass) 4.71273E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to fresh water / Non-renewable energy resources Unused primary energy from geothermal 0.0280127 MJ (Net calorific value) 0.0280127 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Product flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Landfilling Overburden (deposited) 2142.37 kg (Mass) 2142.37 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Product flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Landfilling Demolition waste (deposited) 0.267121 kg (Mass) 0.267121 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Product flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Landfilling Spoil (deposited) 10.1689 kg (Mass) 10.1689 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Landfilling Slag (Uranium conversion) 7.15537E-4 kg (Mass) 7.15537E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-(semi)metal inorganics Aluminium (3+) 2.36412E-6 kg (Mass) 2.36412E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-(semi)metal inorganics Calcium (2+) 1.45198E-5 kg (Mass) 1.45198E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-(semi)metal inorganics Potassium (+) 2.69403E-4 kg (Mass) 2.69403E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-(semi)metal inorganics Magnesium (2+) 2.00978E-6 kg (Mass) 2.00978E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-(semi)metal inorganics Sodium (+) 1.26954E-6 kg (Mass) 1.26954E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-renewable energy resources Sulphate 3.41859E-5 kg (Mass) 3.41859E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-renewable energy resources Chloride 3.67708E-4 kg (Mass) 3.67708E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-(semi)metal inorganics Bromide 3.14459E-7 kg (Mass) 3.14459E-7 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to industrial soil / Non-renewable energy resources Sulphide 2.05115E-4 kg (Mass) 2.05115E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Product flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Materials production / Water Water (boiler feed water) 0.015773 kg (Mass) 0.015773 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Used oil 1.38558E-5 kg (Mass) 1.38558E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Industrial waste for municipal disposal 2.6572E-6 kg (Mass) 2.6572E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Plastic (unspecified) 4.734E-9 kg (Mass) 4.734E-9 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / XXX Hazardous waste (underground deposit) 0.123914 kg (Mass) 0.123914 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Landfilling Sand (Alumina production) 0.0279799 kg (Mass) 0.0279799 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Natrium oxide 0.00422441 kg (Mass) 0.00422441 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Oxalate (Alumina production) 0.00170074 kg (Mass) 0.00170074 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Slag (Mn 6,5%) 8.8688E-4 kg (Mass) 8.8688E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Product flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-life treatment / Landfilling Treatment residue (mineral, deposited) 153.855 kg (Mass) 153.855 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Gypsum (FDI) 0.0346152 kg (Mass) 0.0346152 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Waste for disposal (unspecified) 4.25751E-4 kg (Mass) 4.25751E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Blast furnace slag 6.11799E-4 kg (Mass) 6.11799E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Fly ash (unspecified) 1.15279E-4 kg (Mass) 1.15279E-4 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Waste flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". End-of-Life Treatment / Non-renewable energy resources Boiler ash (unspecified) 3.41819E-5 kg (Mass) 3.41819E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Product flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Materials production / Non-renewable energy resources Gypsum 0.0124488 kg (Mass) 0.0124488 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Product flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Materials production / Non-renewable energy resources Cement (average) 1000.0 kg (Mass) 1000.0 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.