Güterverkehr_Güterzug_Diesel_1000t_schweres-Gut_Hügelig_TTW (en)
Table of Contents: Process information - Modelling and validation - Administrative information - Inputs and Outputs
Process information
Key Data Set Information
LocationLocation, country or region the data set represents. [Note 1: This field does not refer to e.g. the country in which a specific site is located that is represented by this data set but to the actually represented country, region, or site. Note 2: Entry can be of type "two-letter ISO 3166 country code" for countries, "seven-letter regional codes" for regions or continents, or "market areas and market organisations", as predefined for the ILCD. Also a name for e.g. a specific plant etc. can be given here (e.g. "FR, Lyon, XY Company, Z Site"; user defined). Note 3: The fact whether the entry refers to production or to consumption / supply has to be stated in the name-field "Mix and location types" e.g. as "Production mix".] DE
Geographical representativeness descriptionFurther explanations about additional aspects of the location: e.g. a company and/or site description and address, whether for certain sub-areas within the "Location" the data set is not valid, whether data is only valid for certain regions within the location indicated, or whether certain elementary flows or intermediate product flows are extrapolated from another geographical area. Gültigkeitsbereich: Unternehmensspezifischer Datensatz oder alle Unternehmen?: alle
Reference yearStart year of the time period for which the data set is valid (until year of "Data set valid until:"). For data sets that combine data from different years, the most representative year is given regarding the overall environmental impact. In that case, the reference year is derived by expert judgement. 2005
NameGeneral descriptive and specifying name of the process.
Base nameGeneral descriptive name of the process and/or its main good(s) or service(s) and/or it's level of processing.; Treatment, standards, routesSpecifying information on the good, service, or process in technical term(s): treatment received, standard fulfilled, product quality, use information, production route name, educt name, primary / secondary etc. Separated by commata.; Mix and location typesSpecifying information on the good, service, or process whether being a production mix or consumption mix, location type of availability (such as e.g. "to consumer" or "at plant"). Separated by commata.
Use advice for data setSpecific methodological advice for data set users that requires attention. E.g. on inclusion/exclusion of recycling e.g. in material data sets, specific use phase behavior to be modelled, and other methodological advices. See also field "Technological applicability". Bereitstellung von spezifischen Daten aller Transportprozesse in Deutschland in der Differenzierung nach Verkehrsträgern und Zwecken für die Traktion, also nicht unter Berücksichtigung des Lebensweges des Verkehrsträgers (Produktion, Wartung, Reparatur, Entsorgung) und nicht der Infrastruktur des Verkehrs (Verkehrswege und -anlagen). Transportprozess ohne Vorkette. Die Kennzahlen des Straßenverkehrs beruhen überwiegend auf Emissionsmessungen des realen Fahrverhaltens. Tendenziell können in der aktuellen Version von TREMOD die Kennzahlen für Kraftstoffverbrauch und damit CO2 und SO2, gefolgt von den Werten für CO, NOx und HC für alle in den Messprogrammen erfassten Fahrzeugschichten (v.a. Otto-Pkw bis einschließlich Euro-3, Diesel-Pkw und Nutzfahrzeuge bis Euro-2) als relativ zuverlässig angesehen werden. Als noch nicht zuverlässig sind die entsprechenden Emissionswerte für neuere Fahrzeugschichten anzusehen. Die nicht limitierten Komponenten (Benzol, Methan, N2O etc.) sind generell weniger zuverlässig als die gemessenen limitierten Stoffe.
Technical purpose of product or processDescription of the intended / possible applications of the good, service, or process. E.g. for which type of products the material, represented by this data set, is used. Examples: "This high purity chemical is used for analytical laboratories only." or "This technical quality bulk chemical is used for large scale synthesis in chemical industry.". Or: "This truck is used only for long-distance transport of liquid bulk chemicals". Transport von Gütern im Schienenverkehr
ClassificationOptional statistical or other classification of the data set. Typically also used for structuring LCA databases.
Class nameName of the class. / Hierarchy levelHierarchy level (1,2,...), if the categorization system is hierachical, otherwise emtpy or not used.
Transport services / Rail
General comment on data setGeneral information about the data set, including e.g. general (internal, not reviewed) quality statements as well as information sources used. (Note: Please also check the more specific fields e.g. on "Intended application", "Advice on data set use" and the fields in the "Modelling and validation" section to avoid overlapping entries.) Basiert auf der Methodik von EcoTransIT 2005, berechnet mit aktuellen Emissionsfaktoren (TTW und WTW) aus TREMOD, Version 4 vom 12.12.2006 | Auslesen der Tremod Datensätze und Übertragung in das ELCD Format mit dem Formatconverter des openLCA Projektes, w
Copyright?Indicates whether or not a copyright on the data set exists. Decided upon by the "Owner of data set". [Note: See also field "Access and use restrictions".] Yes
Owner of data set (contact data set)"Contact data set" of the person or entity who owns this data set. (Note: this is not necessarily the publisher of the data set.) Umweltbundesamt
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)One or more of the Inputs or Outputs in case "Type of quantitative reference" is of type "Reference flow(s)". (Data set internal reference.) Cargo - 1.0 kg (Mass)
Time representativeness
Data set valid until:End year of the time period for which the data set is still valid / sufficiently representative. This date also determines when a data set revision / remodelling is required or recommended due to expected relevant changes in environmentally or technically relevant inventory values, including in the background system. 2009
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background systemDescription of the technological characteristics including operating conditions of the process or product system. For the latter this includes the relevant upstream and downstream processes included in the data set. Professional terminology should be used. Kennzahlen je Fracht-kg und km für Gütertransporte mit der Eisenbahn, Zuggewicht (ohne Lokomotive) 1000 Tonnen, schwere Fracht (Ausnutzung der Nutzlast incl. Leerfahrten: 70%), Strecken mit leichten Steigungen/Gefälle
Modelling and validation
LCI method and allocation
Type of data setType of the data set regarding systematic inclusion/exclusion of upstream or downstream processes, transparency and internal (hidden) multi-functionality, and the completeness of modelling. Partly terminated system
LCI method principleLCI method principle followed in the product system modelling, i.e. regarding using average data (= attributional = non-marginal) or modelling effects in a change-oriented way (= consequential = marginal). Attributional
Deviation from LCI method principle / explanationsShort description of any deviations from the general "LCI method principles" and additional explanations. Refers especially to specific processes/cases where the stated "attributional" or "consequential" approach was not applied. Or where deviations were made from any specific rules for applying the "Consequential with attributional components" approach. A reference to the "Intended application" of the data collection can be made here, too. Allocated co-products may be reported here as well. In case of no (quantitatively relevant) deviations from the LCI method principle, "none" should be stated. keine Abweichung
LCI method approachesNames briefly the specific approach(es) used in LCI modeling, e.g. allocation, substitution etc. In case of LCI results and Partly terminated system data sets this also covers those applied in the included background system.
Modelling constantsShort identification and description of constants applied in LCI modelling other than allocation / substitution, e.g. systematic setting of recycling quota, use of gross or net calorific value, etc. bisher kein Eintrag
Deviation from modelling constants / explanationsShort description of data set specific deviations from the "Modelling constants" if any, including in the possibly included background system. bisher kein Eintrag
Data sources, treatment, and representativeness
Data cut-off and completeness principlesPrinciples applied in data collection regarding completeness of (also intermediate) product and waste flows and of elementary flows. Examples are: cut-off rules, systematic exclusion of infrastructure, services or auxiliaries, etc. systematic exclusion of air in incineration processes, coling water, etc. Bisher nur luftgetragene Emissionen und Kraftstoffeinsatz berücksichtigt.
Data selection and combination principlesPrinciples applied in data selection and in combination of data from different sources. Includes brief discussion of consistency of data sources regarding data itself, modelling, appropriateness. In case of averaging: Principles and data selection applied in horizontal and / or vertical averaging. bisher kein Eintrag
Deviation from data selection and combination principles / explanationsShort description of any deviations from the "Data selection and combination principles". In case of no (result relevant) deviations, "none" is entered. bisher kein Eintrag
Data treatment and extrapolations principlesPrinciples applied regarding methods, sources, and assumptions done in data adjustment including extrapolations of data from another time period, another geographical area, or another technology.
Deviation from data treatment and extrapolations principles / explanationsShort description of any deviations from the " Data treatment and extrapolations principles". In case of no (result relevant) deviations, "none" is entered. (Note: If data representative for one "Location" is used for another "Location", its original representativity can be indicated here; see field "Percentage supply or production covered".) bisher kein Eintrag
Data source(s) used for this data set (source data set)"Source data set"(s) of the source(s) used for deriving/compiling the inventory of this data set e.g. questionnaires, monographies, plant operation protocols, etc. For LCI results and Partly terminated systems the sources for relevant background system data are to be given, too. For parameterised data sets the sources used for the parameterisation / mathematical relations in the section "Mathematical model" are referenced here as well. [Note: If the data set stems from another database or data set publication and is only re-published: identify the origin of a converted data set in "Converted original data set from:" field in section "Data entry by" and its unchanged re-publication in "Unchanged re-publication of:" in the section "Publication and ownership". The data sources used to model a converted or re-published data set are nevertheless to be given here in this field, for transparency reasons.] Tremod Datenbank 2005
Projektbericht Transport im Netzwerk Lebenszyklusdaten
Percentage supply or production coveredPercentage of the overall supply, consumption, or production of the specific good, service, or technology represented by this data set, in the region/market of the stated "Location". For multi-functional processes the market share of the specific technology is stated. If data that is representative for a process operated in one "Location" is used for another "Location", the entry is '0'. The representativity for the original "Location" is documented in the field "Deviation from data treatment and extrapolation principles, explanations". 100 %
Data collection periodDate(s) or time period(s) when the data was collected. Note that this does NOT refer to e.g. the publication dates of papers or books from which the data may stem, but to the original data collection period. bisher kein Eintrag
Completeness product modelCompleteness of coverage of relevant product, waste and elementary flows. [Notes: For LCI results and Partly terminated systems this means throughout the underlying product system model. "Relevant" refers to the overall environmental relevance, i.e. for unit processes including the upstream and downstream burdens of product and waste flows.] No statement
Administrative information
Commissioner and goal
Commissioner of data set (contact data set)"Contact data set" of the commissioner / financing party of the data collection / compilation and of the data set modelling. For groups of commissioners, each single organisation should be named. For data set updates and for direct use of data from formerly commissioned studies, also the original commissioner should be named. Deutsches Netzwerk Lebenszyklusdaten
Data set generator / modeller
Data set generator / modellerData set generator / modeller (contact data set)"Contact data set" of the person(s), working group(s), organisation(s) or database network, that generated the data set, i.e. being responsible for its correctness regarding methods, inventory, and documentative information."Contact data set" of the person(s), working group(s), organisation(s) or database network, that generated the data set, i.e. being responsible for its correctness regarding methods, inventory, and documentative information. ifeu - Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbH
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved)Date and time stamp of data set generation, typically an automated entry ("last saved"). 2008-09-02T18:18:25.484+02:00
Data set format(s) (source data set)"Source data set" of the used version of the ILCD format. If additional data format fields have been integrated into the data set file, using the "namespace" option, the used format namespace(s) are to be given. This is the case if the data sets carries additional information as specified by other, particular LCA formats, e.g. of other database networks or LCA softwares. ILCD format
Converted original data set from: (source data set)"Source data set" of the database or data set publication from which this data set has been obtained by conversion. This can cover e.g. conversion to a different format, applying a different nomenclature, mapping of flow names, conversion of units, etc. This may however not have changed or re-modeled the Inputs and Outputs, i.e. obtaining the same LCIA results. This entry is required for converted data sets stemming originally from other LCA databases (e.g. when re-publishing data from IISI, ILCD etc. databases). [Note: Identically re-published data sets are identied in the field "Unchanged re-publication of:" in the section "Publication and Ownership".] Tremod Datenbank 2005
Official approval of data set by producer/operator: (contact data set)"Source data set": Names exclusively the producer or operator of the good, service or technology represented by this data set, which officially has approved this data set in all its parts. In case of nationally or internationally averaged data sets, this will be the respective business association. If no official approval has been given, the entry "No official approval by producer or operator" is to be entered and the reference will point to an empty "Contact data set". [Notes: The producer or operator may only be named here, if a written approval of this data set was given. A recognition of this data set by any other organisation then the producer/operator of the good, service, or process is not to be stated here, but as a "review" in the validation section.] Bisher keine offizielle Nutzungserlaubnis
Publication and ownership
UUID of Process data setAutomatically generated Universally Unique Identifier of this data set. Together with the "Data set version", the UUID uniquely identifies each data set. 3496deb4-6529-495b-9162-4f18ceaf2f69
Data set versionVersion number of data set. First two digits refer to major updates, the second two digits to minor revisions and error corrections etc. The third three digits are intended for automatic and internal counting of versions during data set development. Together with the data set's UUID, the "Data set version" uniquely identifies each data set. 01.00.000
Permanent data set URIURI (i.e. an internet address) of the original of this data set. [Note: This equally globally unique identifier supports users and software tools to identify and retrieve the original version of a data set via the internet or to check for available updates. The URI must not represent an existing WWW address, but it should be unique and point to the data access point, e.g. by combining the data owner's www path with the data set's UUID, e.g. http://www.mycompany.com/lca/processes/50f12420-8855-12db-b606-0900210c9a66.] http://www.netzwerk-lebenszyklusdaten.de/LCData/Schiene_Güterverkehr_Güterzug_Diesel_1000t_schweres-Gut_Hügelig_TTW_3496deb4-6529-495b-9162-4f18ceaf2f69_01.00.001.xml
Workflow and publication statusWorkflow or publication status of data set. Details e.g. of foreseen publication dates should be provided on request by the "Data set owner". Data set finalised; entirely published
Unchanged re-publication of: (source data set)"Source data set" of the publication, in which this data set was published for the first time. [Note: This refers to exactly this data set as it is, without any format conversion, adjustments, flow name mapping, etc. In case this data set was modified/converted, the original source is documented in "Converted original data set from:" in section "Data entry by".] LC Data
Owner of data set (contact data set)"Contact data set" of the person or entity who owns this data set. (Note: this is not necessarily the publisher of the data set.) Umweltbundesamt
Access and use restrictionsAccess restrictions / use conditions for this data set as free text or referring to e.g. license conditions. In case of no restrictions "None" is entered. Der Datensatz kann frei verwendet werden.
Inputs and Outputs
Type Of FlowNames the basic type of the flow. Classification Flow"Flow data set" of this Input or Output. VariableData set internal reference to a variable or parameter name as defined in the section "Mathematical model". The value of this variable or parameter acts as linear multiplier to the value given in the field "Mean amount" to yield the "Resulting amount", which is the final value in the inventory. Resulting amountFinal value to be used for calculation of the LCI results and in the product system: It is calculated as the product of the "Mean amount" value times the value of the "Variable". In case that no "Variable" entry is given, the "Resulting amount" is identical to the "Mean amount", i.e. a factor "1" is applied. Mean amountMean amount of the Input or Output. Only significant digits of the amount should be stated. Data source typeIdentifies the data source type of each single Input or Output as being "Primary", "Secondary", or "Mixed primary/secondary". Data derivation type / statusIdentifies the way by which the individual Input / Output amount was derived (e.g. measured, estimated etc.), respectively the status and relevancy of missing data.
Product flowExchange of goods or services within technosphere, with a positive economic/market value. Energy carriers and technologies / Crude oil based fuels Diesel 8.05729E-6 kg (Mass) 8.05729E-6 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Type Of FlowNames the basic type of the flow. Classification Flow"Flow data set" of this Input or Output. VariableData set internal reference to a variable or parameter name as defined in the section "Mathematical model". The value of this variable or parameter acts as linear multiplier to the value given in the field "Mean amount" to yield the "Resulting amount", which is the final value in the inventory. Resulting amountFinal value to be used for calculation of the LCI results and in the product system: It is calculated as the product of the "Mean amount" value times the value of the "Variable". In case that no "Variable" entry is given, the "Resulting amount" is identical to the "Mean amount", i.e. a factor "1" is applied. Mean amountMean amount of the Input or Output. Only significant digits of the amount should be stated. Data source typeIdentifies the data source type of each single Input or Output as being "Primary", "Secondary", or "Mixed primary/secondary". Data derivation type / statusIdentifies the way by which the individual Input / Output amount was derived (e.g. measured, estimated etc.), respectively the status and relevancy of missing data.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Benzene 7.61767E-10 kg (Mass) 7.61767E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Methane 9.62232E-10 kg (Mass) 9.62232E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Carbon monoxide 7.5304E-8 kg (Mass) 7.5304E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Carbon dioxide 2.4903E-5 kg (Mass) 2.4903E-5 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air Hydrocarbons (unspecified) 4.0093E-8 kg (Mass) 4.0093E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Product flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Transport services Cargo 1.0 kg (Mass) 1.0 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Dinitrogen monoxide 3.46463E-10 kg (Mass) 3.46463E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Ammonia 1.85318E-10 kg (Mass) 1.85318E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds, unspecified origin 3.91308E-8 kg (Mass) 3.91308E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
invalid flow referenceExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Feinstaub (PM 2,5), emittiert in die Luft, Referenzeinheit [kg], 96d4071b-9967-11da-a72b-0800200c9a66Gesamtmenge: 1.1613691506459159E-8 1.16137E-8 1.16137E-8 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Sulfur dioxide 1.28917E-10 kg (Mass) 1.28917E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Toluene 3.20744E-10 kg (Mass) 3.20744E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.
Elementary flowExchange of matters within the technosphere, with a economic/market value equal or below "0". Emissions to air / Non-renewable energy resources Xylene 3.20744E-10 kg (Mass) 3.20744E-10 Mixed primary / secondaryData was averaged from mixed primary and secondary sources with above 10% secondary data, either before entering the data into a unit process or when calculating the LCI results. Unknown derivationData derivation type information fully or at least for quantiatively relevant parts unavailable.